Impressionist Collection
These modern samplers use variegated threads, beads, jewels and elaborate patterns to create sophisticated, eye-catching designs that are as much fun to stitch as they are to look at. They are designed to highlight variegated threads and come with a variety of jewels and beads to enrich and embellish your stitching experience. Designed with the experienced stitcher in mind, they combine simple stitches with a variety of variegated threads and an assortment of metallic threads to provide a real treat for stitchers who enjoy working intricate geometric counted canvaswork.
~ All retail prices listed are for mailed patterns only ~

Amber Waves
10" x 10" on 18 ct sandstone canvas
Pattern: $18.00 (includes beads & jewels)
Threads Used: Watercolours (2) & Wildflowers 036 "Tobacco"
with DMC #5 3051 (2), and DMC floss 3051, 3052, 976, 3827
plus Rainbow Gallery's Hi-lights H623, H632,
Nordic Gold ND2, Treasure Braid Petite PB25
and Kreinik #8 Braid 021HL.

Amethyst Dreams
10" x 10" on 18 ct pewter canvas
Pattern: $18.00 (includes beads & jewels)
Threads Used: Watercolours 037 "Fuchsia" and
Waterlilies 108 "Antique Rose" with DMC #5 414, 915, 3041
and Rainbow Gallery's Frosty Rays Y076, Cresta d'Oro C25,
Gold Rush 18 GD5C, Hi-lights H621 and H606.

Autumn Trails

Bargello Christmas Tree
11.25"w x 10.5"h on 18 ct. canvas, eggshell w/gold
Threads used:
Watercolours 025 - "Holiday" with DMC #5 304, 890, 986, 987
and Kreinik 1/16th Ribbon 002HL (2 sk.),
003HL (2 sk.), and 015HL (2 sk.)

Fandango Sky
10" x 10" on 18 ct canvas (sandstone or rose blush)
Pattern: $18.00 (includes beads & jewels)
Threads Used: Rainbow Gallery's Encore E105, Overture V105
(or Caron Watercolours & Wildflowers 231 - Ethiopia)
with Gold Rush XS X2, Hi-lights H611, H622, H635, Fyre Werks Soft Sheen FT3,
Tiara T122 and T124, Treasure Braid Petite, PH01, PB11, PB24,
and DMC #5 pearl cottons 333, 601, 946 and DMC floss 602, 333, 946

Threads used:
Watercolours 251 (2) with
DMC #5 pearl cottons 676, 677, 742, 743,
3345, 3346, 3347, 3371 (or 310) and
DMC floss 742 & 3371 (to attach beads);
along with Kreinik #8 Braid 3202 (or 002),
and Rainbow Gallery's Splendor Silk Ribbon
R909 & R933, plus YLI Ribbon Floss 148-047
(or Kreinik 1/16th Ribbon 202HL).
Cut canvas: 14" x 14".

Jewel Box
10" x 10" on 18 ct eggshell canvas
Pattern: $13.00
Threads Used: 055 "Cerise" (2 skeins)
with DMC #5 895 (2), 3345, 3347, 3350 and
Rainbow Gallery's Fyre Werks Soft Sheen FT20,
Hi-lights H612, and
Kreinik #12 Braid 007 (2) and 3215 (2)
This pattern is especially fun for stitchers who like to change colors
and prefer to create their own unique palette for this design.

Jewel Ornaments
6" x 6" each on 18 ct. canvas, eggshell
Pattern: $18.00
Threads for FUCHSIA & LIME version (right): Watercolours 055 "Cerise" with
DMC #5 pearl cotton 319 (2), 987 (2), 3685 (2),
Kreinik 1/16th Ribbon 015 (2), 202HL (2), and
FyreWerks Soft Sheen FT38 (2) (or Kreinik 1/16th Ribbon 024HL (2))
Threads for traditional RED & GREEN version: Watercolours 025 "Holiday" with DMC #5 pearl cotton 890 (2), 986 (2), 304 (2),
Kreinik 1/16th Ribbon 015HL (2), 202HL (2),
and FyreWerks Soft Sheen FT6 (or Kreinik 1/16th Ribbon 031)
Pattern also includes 4 border designs that will "square up" these ornaments,
and create 6" square designs.

Independence Day
10" x 10" on 18 ct antique blue canvas
Pattern: $18.00 (includes beads & jewels)
Threads Used: Watercolours & Wildflowers 08 "Nefertiti"
with DMC #5 823 (2) and 816 plus Rainbow Gallery's
Gold Rush 18 GD2C and Hi-lights H616, H629, H636,
with Treasure Braid Petite PB03, PB07, PB08, PB20.

Pacific Coast Collage
9" x 9" on 18 ct vintage eggshell canvas
Pattern: $18.00 (includes beads & shell)
Threads Used: Watercolours 24 - "Twilight" with
DMC #5 740, 900, 433, 3371, 890 (2 sk),
518, 959, 612, 613, 739 with DMC floss 3371
and DMC Color Variations 4030 & 4040,
plus YLI Ribbon Floss 144-014, 148-031,
ThreadworX Overdyed Floss 1115,
and Fyre Werks Soft Sheen FT21

Christmas Tree 2004
8" x 8.75" on 24 ct. Congress Cloth,
sage green
Pattern: $16.00 (includes beads )
Threads Used on 24 ct: Wildflowers 083 "Pine Forest"
with Rainbow Gallery's Splendor S831, S820,
Hi-lights H613, H626, H602 and
Treasure Braid Petite PB07, PB20, PH01
Threads Used on 18 ct.: Watercolours 083 "Pine Forest"
DMC #5 367, 326 with Rainbow Gallery's
Tiara T115, T136, T118 and
Hi-lights H613, H626, H60

Sapphire Star
6.75" x 11.5" on 18 ct. eggshell canvas
Pattern: $18.00 (includes beads & jewel)
Threads Used:
DMC #5 pearl cottons 798, 823 (2 sk.)
with Rainbow Gallery's Bravo! A28, Overture V28 - lagoon,
Fyre Werks F36, Nordic Gold ND2 and ND 5,
Silk Lame' Braid PETITE SP77 & SP82,
Splendor S991 (or DMC floss 3746) and
Tiara, T110.

Prairie Star
6.75" x 11.5" on 18 ct. sandstone or eggshell canvas
Pattern: $18.00 (includes beads & jewel)
Threads Used:
Watercolours 047 - camouflage,
DMC #5 pearl cottons 434, 815, 938 (2 sk.),
Rainbow Gallery's Fyre Werks F38,
Nordic Gold ND14 copper or ND2 gold,
Silk Lame' Braid PETITE SP29 peach or SP94 gold,
Splendor S817 (or DMC floss 977)
and Kreinik 1/16th Ribbon 003HL - red

Tucson Twilight
Design: 10" x 10" on 18 ct. sandstone or eggshell canvas
Pattern: $18.00 (includes beads & jewel)
Threads Used:
Watercolours and Wildflowers 016 - "bark" with
DMC #5 333, 632, DMC floss 333 and 3826,
Kreinik blending filament 150V,
Kreinik 1/16th Braid 002HL, 012HL, 021HL,
Rainbow Gallery Silk Lame' Braid PETITE SP61, SP12, SP29
and Treasure Braid PETITE PB25, PB11, PB14

Victorian Star
6.5" x 12" on 18 ct. eggshell canvas
Pattern: $18.00 (includes beads & jewel)
Threads Used:
Watercolours 047 - camouflage,
DMC #5 pearl cottons 310, 890, 3685,
DMC floss 436, Kreinik #8 Braid 153V and 202HL,
Kreinik #16 Braid, 153V and 202HL,
Rainbow Gallery's Silk Lame' Braid PETITE SP35 and SP06.