Secret Garden Collection
These designs are inspired by flower gardens of all types. There are floral portraits done on 24 ct. Congress Cloth, botanical collages and garden samplers worked on 18 ct. mono canvas, and other inspirational garden designs.
~ All retail prices listed are for patterns only ~

Bearded Iris Collage
10" x 10" on 18 ct santa fe sage canvas
Pattern: $16.00 (includes beads)
Threads Used: Caron Watercolours and Wildflowers 61 - "Harvest"
with DMC #5 pearl cottons 890 (2), 367, 368, 351, 352, 353, DMC floss 504
plus Rainbow Gallery's Hi-lights H632 and Nordic Gold ND14

Bluebonnet Collage
10" x 10" on 18 ct. sandstone (or eggshell) canvas
Pattern: $16.00 (includes beads)
Threads Used:Overture V61 and Bravo! A130
(or Watercolours & Wildflowers 153 - "Distant Hills")
DMC #5 pearl cottons 319 (2), 986, 987, 791, 792, 793, 738, ecru
,DMC floss 738 with
Rainbow Gallery's Hi-lights H603, Nordic Gold ND2 & ND9
(or Kreinik #12 Braid 002HL & 051HL)

Blue Hydrangeas
10.5" x 10.5" on 24 ct. ivory or antique white Congress Cloth
Pattern: $13.00
Threads Used: DMC #8 pearl cotton 798, 799, 809, 3346, 3347, 3348, ecru
with an assortment of DMC floss (or Splendor silks)
plus Sparkle! Braid SK18 and Treasure Braid Petite PB56
with Mill Hill beads 0169.

California Poppy Collage
9.25" x 9.25" on 18 ct sandstone (or eggshell) canvas
Pattern: $16.00 (includes beads)
Threads Used: Caron Watercolours 076 - "Woodlands"
with DMC #5 pearl cottons 986 (2), 987, 988, 740, 741, 742, 738,
DMC floss 738, 988 and Rainbow Gallery's
Fyre Werks Soft Sheen FT3, Hi-lights H630,
and Nordic Gold ND2 (or Kreinik #12 Braid 002HL)

California Poppies
8" x 10" on 24. ct. Congress Cloth
Pattern: $12.00
Threads Used: DMC floss 562 (2), 606, 608, 666,
740, 741, 742, 743, 745, 3371 (2 skeins)

Pink Cyclamen
10.5" x 10.5" on 24 ct. eggshell or ivory Congress Cloth
Pattern: $12.00
Threads Used: DMC #8 pearl cotton 320, 335, 367, 368, 776, 3326
with DMC floss 319, 320, 335, 367, 368, 435, 437, 738, 776, 801, 899, 3326
with Rainbow Gallery's Hi-lights H609 and Mill Hill Seed Beads 2005.

Daffodil Collage
9.25" x 9.25" on 18 ct santa fe sage canvas
Pattern: $16.00 (includes beads)
Threads Used: Caron Watercolours & Wildflowers 76 - "Woodlands"
with DMC #5 pearl cotton 725, 726, 727, 987, 988, 3345
DMC floss 504, and Rainbow Gallery's Hi-lights H623,
and Treasure Braid TR81 (or Kreinik #8 Braid 002HL)

Daisy Collage
9" x 9" on 18 ct eggshell canvas
Pattern: $16.00 (includes beads)
Threads Used: Watercolours 88 "Mountain Meadow"
with DMC #5 367, 368, 320, 352, 353, 743, 745, ecru,
with Ribbon Floss 144-001 and 142-34, along with DMC variegated floss 101.

Dragonfly Summer
8.5" 8.5" on 24 ct Congress Cloth
Pattern: $16.00 (includes beads)
Threads Used: xxx

Hydrangea House
8.5" x 10.5" on 28 ct. lt. blue canvas
Pattern: $14.00
Threads Used: Rainbow Gallery's Bravo! A128 (greys)
with ThreadworX Overdyed Floss 1048, 1063, 1108, 1128
and DMC floss 645, 703, 704, 792, 930, 931, 932,3024, 3608, 3609,
3753, 3756, 3781, 3790, 3807, 3865
with Kreinik #8 Braid 154V
and DMC #8 pearl cotton white.

Independence Inn
9" x 11" on 18 ct. pewter canvas
Pattern: $14.00
Threads Used: Needle Necessities 133, 140, 162
and DMC floss 414, 415, 3799, 3781, 321, 816, 912, white and variegated floss 69.
Also: DMC #8 pearl cotton with Hi-lights H616, H636 and Treasure Braid Petite PB03
(or Kreinik #4 Braid in 002, 003, 033).
Plus Ribbon Floss 142-02, 142-12, 148-42
for the red, white & blue bunting.
(Or Kreinik 1/16th Ribbon in 100, 003, 033).

Lone Star Cottage
8" x 10" on 18 ct. santa fe sage green canvas
Pattern: $14.00
Threads Used:

Lilac Collage
9.25" x 9.25" on 18 ct santa fe sage canvas
Pattern: $16.00 (includes beads )
Threads Used:Caron Watercolours 013 - "Peach Sherbet"
(or 064 - "Pale Lilac" or 004 - "Lavender Mist")
with DMC #5 pearl cotton 319 (2), 340, 341, 367, 368,
642, 3743, ecru and DMC Color Variegated Floss 4220
(or ThreadworX Overdyed Floss 11311) and DMC floss 504
plus metallic Fyre Werks Soft Sheen FT7 (or Kreinik 1/16th
Ribbon 9294) and YLI Ribbon Floss 142-008 & 142-013
(0r Neon Rays N68 & N76)

Lily of the Valley Collage
9.25" x 9.25" on 18 ct santa fe sage canvas
Pattern: $16.00 (includes beads)
Threads Used: Caron Watercolours and Wildflowers, 141 - "Alpine Moss"
with DMC #5 pearl cotton 501, 502, 503, 818, 3753 and white;
plus YLI Ribbon Floss 144-20 and 148-029
(or Kreinik 1/16th RIBBON 92 or 007 and 192 or 9200)

Magnolia Collage
9.25" x 9.25" on 18 ct. santa fe sage green
Pattern: $16.00 (includes beads)
Threads Used: Watercolours 153 "Distant Hills"
with DMC #5 832, 834, 930, 931, 934, 936, ecru,
YLI Ribbon Floss 148-047, Kreinik #8 Braid 3260,
ThreadworX Overdyed Floss 1069, and
DMC floss 677, 469, 470, 831, 833, 931, 932, 936, 3752, 3753, white, and ecru.

Pansy Collage
8.5" x 8.5" on 18 ct eggshell canvas
Pattern: $16.00 (includes beads)
Threads Used: Overture V28 (or Watercolours 236 - "Appalachia")
with DMC #5 pearl cotton 333, 550, 699,700, 742, 744, 793,
823, 973, ecru with YLI Ribbon Floss 148-020 and 148-047
(or Kreinik 1/16th Ribbon 202HL and 012)
with DMC floss 3823 and DMC variegated floss 125

Peony Collage
9.25" x 9.25" on 18 ct eggshell canvas
Pattern: $16.00 (includes beads)
Threads Used: Watercolours 248 "Primrose" with
DMC #5 353, 604, 605, 3346 (2), 3347, ecru
along with Neon Rays+ NP14 (or Kreinik 1/16th Ribbon 007),
and Treasure Braid Petite PR25 (or Kreinik 1/16th Ribbon 017HL),
along with a handful of DMC flosses
and variegated DMC floss 122 for the background (or ThreadworX 1046).

Pink Tulip Collage
10" x 10" on 18 ct eggshell canvas
Pattern: $16.00 (includes )
Threads Used: Caron Watercolours & Wildflowers 141 - "Alpine Moss"
with DMC #5 pearl cotton 501 (2), 502, 604, 605, 818, 966
and DMC floss 818 and Rainbow Gallery's Hi-lights H609,
Treasure Braid T123 (or Kreinik #12 Braid 007HL)

Primrose Path
9.5" x 9.5" on 18 ct santa fe sage canvas
Pattern: $12.00
Threads Used:Caron Watercolours & Waterlilies 008 - "Mtn Meadow"
with DMC #5 pearl cotton 320, 367 (2), 744, 776
and DMC floss 320, 368, 743, 745, 961, 962, 963, 3716
and YLI Ribbon Floss 142-43, 144-011, 148-027
(or Neon Rays+ NP10, Neon Rays N79
& Kreinik 1/16th Ribbon 102HL)

Pumpkin Harvest
10"w x 4.25"h on 18 ct brown canvas
Pattern: $12.00
Threads Used:DMC floss 721, 722, 729, 741, 780,
898, 900, 919, 922, 934, 947, 3371

Red Poppy Collage
9.25" x 9.25" on 18 ct sandstone canvas
Pattern: $16.00 (includes beads)
Threads Used: The variegated thread I built this design around,
Overture V96 - Bayberries, was discontinued by Rainbow Gallery
and the closest substitute I can find is Watercolours 047 - "Camouflage"
with DMC #5 pearl cotton 304, 321, 738, 814, 816, 3345 (2), 3346, 3347,
3371 with DMC floss 738, DMC variegated floss 61 (or Anchor 1218 or
ThreadworX 1028). Plus Rainbow Gallery's Hi-lights H603,
Nordic Gold ND2 & ND6 (or Kreinik #12 Braid 002HL & 003HL)